Fox Life

Išsami FOX Life TV programa šiandien, rytoj ir visą ateinančią savaitę. FOX Life – moterims subalansuotas, bet ir vyriškai auditorijai pritaikytas televizijos kanalas, kuris savo žiūrovams suteikia galimybę mėgautis atpalaiduojančiu bei teigiamas emocijas garantuojančiu turiniu. Puikiai įvertinti Holivudo serialai, romantiškai nuteikiančios melodramos, muzikinių filmų grožį atskleidžiantys miuziklai ir dar daug malonių kino siurprizų kasdien pateikia TV programa Fox Life.

TV Programa
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Visur tik tu
When Demir and Selin find their way to love, they soon encounter their first exam. The ban on love in the company forces Demir to choose between his principles and his feelings. While Demir is trying to make a decision, Selin swings between hope and concern about the future of her relationship. Alara makes one last move to get Demir away from Selin and with the little game that she plans, she unknowingly activates a bigger problem.
Visur tik tu
While Demir is deeply wounded with all the secrets that were exposed, Demir's reaction would be a big shock to Selin. Burak becomes very angry when he sees how much upset is Selin and decides to take a huge gamble. As Demir tries to regain control of his life by hanging on his principles, he is constantly finding Selin in front of him. With the sudden arrival of a surprising visitor at the house, the relationship which has been torn to pieces and the back to back blows, weakens Demir. But when he is at his weakest, he will find a new strength.
Pasaulių karas
With Richard's help, Catherine discovers she can travel to another world; a new revelation puts Martha's loyalties to the test; Zoe breaks Bill out of prison.
Pasaulių karas
Tom grapples with a betrayal and encounters a familiar face; Catherine looks for a solution to the dangers of the black hole.
The time travelling Young M.O.D.O.K. finally exacts his revenge by kidnapping the family and pitting them against each other in a twisted family therapy / battle to the death.
The time travelling Young M.O.D.O.K. finally exacts his revenge by kidnapping the family and pitting them against each other in a twisted family therapy / battle to the death.
Pasaulių karas
A conflicted Isla struggles to come to a decision when she's approached by Bill and Catherine with some shocking truths. The survivors prepare for an attack that could change the course of the events.
Visur tik tu
Selin and Demir, who went to the police station to complain about the thief, are in custody. Firuze and Leyla set up a new plan to bring Selin and Demir together, who could not share the same house. When the company is in danger of losing its biggest customer, Demir takes action to solve the situation on his own. But when Selin and the team put their solution plan into practice, things get confused.
Visur tik tu
Whether it's destiny or life, the best things that happen to you are often hidden behind untold problems. Demir and Selin are stubborn like goats. They claim the same house and have to live together. In addition, when Demir comes to the company where Selin works as a manager, the events will be confused.
The time travelling Young M.O.D.O.K. finally exacts his revenge by kidnapping the family and pitting them against each other in a twisted family therapy / battle to the death.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Sam's response to the news of Melinda's special gift is not what she expects.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Sam gets a little more than he bargained for when he spends time with Melinda so he can get used to her world, and they run into a ghost who is influencing the children of a nursery school.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Jim's memory returns and he's reunited with Melinda.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
A young woman in Eli's apartment building is being haunted.
Pagrindinis įkaltis
D. Delany herojė Megan Hant buvo viena perspektyviausių neurochirurgijos specialisčių, tačiau patekus automobilio avarijon jos gyvenimas pasikeitė amžiams. Dabar Megan kasdienybė primena nesustojančią.
Grei anatomija
Meredith and Amelia work to secure funds for their research; Amelia finds herself at odds with a new attending; Levi runs into someone from his past; Owen gives Winston advice.
Grei anatomija
Meredith reaches out to Teddy and helps her talk through some of her personal struggles. Owen and Amelia hide out near Betty's school after she becomes a flight risk.
Grei anatomija
The family of Meredith's patient celebrates Day of the Dead, which makes the doctors remember their deceased loved ones; Richard shares shocking information.
Grei anatomija
Catherine is in Los Angeles getting the new foundation ready; Meredith and Koracick visit for a highly confidential consult; a pregnant nurse collapses at the hospital while talking to Richard.
Grei anatomija
Seattle is hit by a huge wind storm and Grey Sloan becomes inundated with patients. Alex and Jo are stuck at home and decide to make the best of it by having a second honeymoon.
Amerikoje šnipinėjantys rusai apsimeta eiliniais amerikiečiais. Apie jų veiklą nieko nežino vaikai, kaimynai, bendradarbiai.
19-oji komanda
The team undergo grief counselling following national outcry after the tragic murder of an unarmed Black man.
Visur tik tu
Yıldırım's archiving of the Artemim team leads to a big crisis in the company. Demir, who asks the responsible of the crisis, asks Selin to make a difficult decision. Firuze and Leyla will save the love to direct the movement of artemim team to take action with a greater preparation we want Demir. However, a surprise port will endanger the Operation Cheetah.
Visur tik tu
While planning the new leg of the Operation Cheetah, the team caught in Demir shakes cold sweat to save the situation and they decide to speed things up. Alara's surprise visit to the house doesn't appeal to Selin, who tries to get close to Demir, but even more surprises await Demir and Selin later in the night. With the arrival of Selin's family, Firuze and Leyla are confused while trying to manage the situation.
Amerikoje šnipinėjantys rusai apsimeta eiliniais amerikiečiais. Apie jų veiklą nieko nežino vaikai, kaimynai, bendradarbiai.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Sam's response to the news of Melinda's special gift is not what she expects.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Sam gets a little more than he bargained for when he spends time with Melinda so he can get used to her world, and they run into a ghost who is influencing the children of a nursery school.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Jim's memory returns and he's reunited with Melinda.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
A young woman in Eli's apartment building is being haunted.
Visur tik tu
Yıldırım's archiving of the Artemim team leads to a big crisis in the company. Demir, who asks the responsible of the crisis, asks Selin to make a difficult decision. Firuze and Leyla will save the love to direct the movement of artemim team to take action with a greater preparation we want Demir. However, a surprise port will endanger the Operation Cheetah.
Visur tik tu
While planning the new leg of the Operation Cheetah, the team caught in Demir shakes cold sweat to save the situation and they decide to speed things up. Alara's surprise visit to the house doesn't appeal to Selin, who tries to get close to Demir, but even more surprises await Demir and Selin later in the night. With the arrival of Selin's family, Firuze and Leyla are confused while trying to manage the situation.
Visur tik tu
When Demir and Selin find their way to love, they soon encounter their first exam. The ban on love in the company forces Demir to choose between his principles and his feelings. While Demir is trying to make a decision, Selin swings between hope and concern about the future of her relationship. Alara makes one last move to get Demir away from Selin and with the little game that she plans, she unknowingly activates a bigger problem.
Visur tik tu
While Demir is deeply wounded with all the secrets that were exposed, Demir's reaction would be a big shock to Selin. Burak becomes very angry when he sees how much upset is Selin and decides to take a huge gamble. As Demir tries to regain control of his life by hanging on his principles, he is constantly finding Selin in front of him. With the sudden arrival of a surprising visitor at the house, the relationship which has been torn to pieces and the back to back blows, weakens Demir. But when he is at his weakest, he will find a new strength.
The time travelling Young M.O.D.O.K. finally exacts his revenge by kidnapping the family and pitting them against each other in a twisted family therapy / battle to the death.
The time travelling Young M.O.D.O.K. finally exacts his revenge by kidnapping the family and pitting them against each other in a twisted family therapy / battle to the death.
Pasaulių karas
Drama Series - Ep. 1.
Visur tik tu
When Demir and Selin find their way to love, they soon encounter their first exam. The ban on love in the company forces Demir to choose between his principles and his feelings. While Demir is trying to make a decision, Selin swings between hope and concern about the future of her relationship. Alara makes one last move to get Demir away from Selin and with the little game that she plans, she unknowingly activates a bigger problem.
Visur tik tu
While Demir is deeply wounded with all the secrets that were exposed, Demir's reaction would be a big shock to Selin. Burak becomes very angry when he sees how much upset is Selin and decides to take a huge gamble. As Demir tries to regain control of his life by hanging on his principles, he is constantly finding Selin in front of him. With the sudden arrival of a surprising visitor at the house, the relationship which has been torn to pieces and the back to back blows, weakens Demir. But when he is at his weakest, he will find a new strength.
The time travelling Young M.O.D.O.K. finally exacts his revenge by kidnapping the family and pitting them against each other in a twisted family therapy / battle to the death.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
A ghost causes problems for a television show that is filming in the Grandview town square.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda discovers that the spirits trapped in a dollhouse have other plans.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda has to figure out how to plan for her wedding and help a young lady get vampires to leave her alone.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda hopes she can protect her baby after a ghost visits her.
Pagrindinis įkaltis
D. Delany herojė Megan Hant buvo viena perspektyviausių neurochirurgijos specialisčių, tačiau patekus automobilio avarijon jos gyvenimas pasikeitė amžiams. Dabar Megan kasdienybė primena nesustojančią.
Pagrindinis įkaltis
D. Delany herojė Megan Hant buvo viena perspektyviausių neurochirurgijos specialisčių, tačiau patekus automobilio avarijon jos gyvenimas pasikeitė amžiams. Dabar Megan kasdienybė primena nesustojančią.
Pagrindinis įkaltis
D. Delany herojė Megan Hant buvo viena perspektyviausių neurochirurgijos specialisčių, tačiau patekus automobilio avarijon jos gyvenimas pasikeitė amžiams. Dabar Megan kasdienybė primena nesustojančią.
Pagrindinis įkaltis
D. Delany herojė Megan Hant buvo viena perspektyviausių neurochirurgijos specialisčių, tačiau patekus automobilio avarijon jos gyvenimas pasikeitė amžiams. Dabar Megan kasdienybė primena nesustojančią.
Pagrindinis įkaltis
D. Delany herojė Megan Hant buvo viena perspektyviausių neurochirurgijos specialisčių, tačiau patekus automobilio avarijon jos gyvenimas pasikeitė amžiams. Dabar Megan kasdienybė primena nesustojančią.
Pagrindinis įkaltis
D. Delany herojė Megan Hant buvo viena perspektyviausių neurochirurgijos specialisčių, tačiau patekus automobilio avarijon jos gyvenimas pasikeitė amžiams. Dabar Megan kasdienybė primena nesustojančią.
Grei anatomija
Meredith and Amelia work to secure funds for their research; Amelia finds herself at odds with a new attending; Levi runs into someone from his past; Owen gives Winston advice.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Visur tik tu
While planning the new leg of the Operation Cheetah, the team caught in Demir shakes cold sweat to save the situation and they decide to speed things up. Alara's surprise visit to the house doesn't appeal to Selin, who tries to get close to Demir, but even more surprises await Demir and Selin later in the night. With the arrival of Selin's family, Firuze and Leyla are confused while trying to manage the situation.
Visur tik tu
While planning the new leg of the Operation Cheetah, the team caught in Demir shakes cold sweat to save the situation and they decide to speed things up. Alara's surprise visit to the house doesn't appeal to Selin, who tries to get close to Demir, but even more surprises await Demir and Selin later in the night. With the arrival of Selin's family, Firuze and Leyla are confused while trying to manage the situation.
19-oji komanda
The team undergo grief counselling following national outcry after the tragic murder of an unarmed Black man.
Žmogžudystės tame pačiame pastate
Oliver races to bring new life to his show as Mabel's investigation into the actual murder collides with a surprising ally. Charles bonds with the cast, and Loretta proves her voice is invaluable.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
A ghost causes problems for a television show that is filming in the Grandview town square.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda discovers that the spirits trapped in a dollhouse have other plans.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda has to figure out how to plan for her wedding and help a young lady get vampires to leave her alone.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda hopes she can protect her baby after a ghost visits her.
Visur tik tu
While planning the new leg of the Operation Cheetah, the team caught in Demir shakes cold sweat to save the situation and they decide to speed things up. Alara's surprise visit to the house doesn't appeal to Selin, who tries to get close to Demir, but even more surprises await Demir and Selin later in the night. With the arrival of Selin's family, Firuze and Leyla are confused while trying to manage the situation.
Visur tik tu
While planning the new leg of the Operation Cheetah, the team caught in Demir shakes cold sweat to save the situation and they decide to speed things up. Alara's surprise visit to the house doesn't appeal to Selin, who tries to get close to Demir, but even more surprises await Demir and Selin later in the night. With the arrival of Selin's family, Firuze and Leyla are confused while trying to manage the situation.
Visur tik tu
Yıldırım's archiving of the Artemim team leads to a big crisis in the company. Demir, who asks the responsible of the crisis, asks Selin to make a difficult decision. Firuze and Leyla will save the love to direct the movement of artemim team to take action with a greater preparation we want Demir. However, a surprise port will endanger the Operation Cheetah.
Visur tik tu
While planning the new leg of the Operation Cheetah, the team caught in Demir shakes cold sweat to save the situation and they decide to speed things up. Alara's surprise visit to the house doesn't appeal to Selin, who tries to get close to Demir, but even more surprises await Demir and Selin later in the night. With the arrival of Selin's family, Firuze and Leyla are confused while trying to manage the situation.
Pasaulių karas
Drama Series - Ep. 1.
Pasaulių karas
As Adina starts the next stage of her plan, astronauts Juliet and Richard see warning signs in space; uncovering Adina's sinister mission.
Pasaulių karas
With Richard's help, Catherine discovers she can travel to another world; a new revelation puts Martha's loyalties to the test; Zoe breaks Bill out of prison.
Pasaulių karas
Tom grapples with a betrayal and encounters a familiar face; Catherine looks for a solution to the dangers of the black hole.
The time travelling Young M.O.D.O.K. finally exacts his revenge by kidnapping the family and pitting them against each other in a twisted family therapy / battle to the death.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda has to figure out how to plan for her wedding and help a young lady get vampires to leave her alone.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda hopes she can protect her baby after a ghost visits her.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Grei anatomija
Catherine is in Los Angeles getting the new foundation ready; Meredith and Koracick visit for a highly confidential consult; a pregnant nurse collapses at the hospital while talking to Richard.
Grei anatomija
Seattle is hit by a huge wind storm and Grey Sloan becomes inundated with patients. Alex and Jo are stuck at home and decide to make the best of it by having a second honeymoon.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Idealizmo kupinas jaunasis gydytojas Devonas Pravešas pradeda pirmuosius metus Atlantos ligoninėje, Džordžijos valstijoje.
Grei anatomija
The windstorm continues to blow through Seattle and the doctors are left scrambling to save their patients' lives, including Meredith who desperately needs to get to Cece for her heart transplant.
Grei anatomija
Meredith questions Link's laid-back approach over a patient's treatment. Maggie worries that Richard, Jackson and Catherine haven't come to terms with Catherine's diagnosis.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
A young woman who died while giving birth to her son haunts Melinda's child.
Dvasių užkalbėtoja
Melinda investigates a cursed email that causes everyone who does not forward it immediately to be put in danger.
Grei anatomija
Meredith and Amelia work to secure funds for their research; Amelia finds herself at odds with a new attending; Levi runs into someone from his past; Owen gives Winston advice.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.
Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius. synopsis: Rašytojas Ričardas Kastlas ne tik kuria detektyvines istorijas, bet ir su žavia partnere gaudo nusikaltėlius.